Saturday, August 1, 2009

2007-08 Bowman Elevation Hobby Pack Pick Up!!!

Picked up this pack of 2007-08 Bowman Elevation Basketball from a local hobby shop called Hoopla Sports Cards located in the Portland area. Much of the hobby boxes and such were a bit to pricey for me to grab one so I decided I'd settle for a pack where I was guaranteed some sort of hit. This particular one was $10/pack (5 cards) and you will either receive and jersey or autographed card. Here's a look at the pack:

I brought my girlfriend along with me to check out some of the shops so when I decided on purchasing this pack I insisted she select a lucky one. I guess you could say it was a good decision as she brought me some luck. This pack could have turned out a lot worse then it did. Now let's take a look at the hit I received along with a parallel:

As you can see the hit I received is an autographed/jersey card of 2007-08 Rookie Rodney Stuckey. I'm pretty happy with this pull since he did a pretty good job filling in for Chauncey and A.I. throughout last season and put up some pretty decent numbers. I know it's probably not worth a whole bunch, lucky to even get my $10 back but I can't really complain about a auto/jersey card. On to the Magic Johnson, this is a parallel card #'ed 82/99. I'm not sure if #'ed cards also fall one per pack but even if they do this is one I wouldn't mind pulling. Nice card overall and I like the design on these cards. Now let's take a look at the base cards, the scans are below:

Pretty nice group of players I received for my base cards. The cards I received are #12 - Dwight Howard, #20 LeBron James, #48 John Stockton. Anyway this was a fun pack to break and my girlfriend was interested to see how the pack she selected turned out. I'm sure if it were up to me to select a pack I'd end up with some jersey of some nobody.

I also picked up a bunch of other cheap packs and singles from this shop and plan on going back to look at more singles when I have the time. I'll be adding those pack breaks throughout the night so check back!

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